Environmental Conservation​
The Edgewood Flyers worked hard with the NYSDEC in cleanup efforts as well as invasive removal. On Earth Day 2010, the Edgewood Flyers were the first group to initiate the largest undertaking at the Edgewood Preserve for the removal of an invasive species known as the Autumn Olive. Over the course of the summer of 2010, the Edgewood Flyers continued data collecting and monitoring. This data was compiled for continued removal over time for the NYSDEC. The Edgewood Flyers are working to achieve the goals as set forth by the Unit Managment Plan of the DEC.
Also, an invasive grass called “Mugwart” has been pulled from many areas at the Edgewood Preserve. These events were done by the hard work and dedication of our members in order to continue to provide these activities for our community as well as to restore the grasslands at Edgewood. We have routine garbage cleanup days throughout the year as well.
There are 3,000 community groups like us in the US. 223 other organizations like the Edgewood Flyers in this country operate within Fish and Wildlife Reserves, Forest Preserves, Water Sheds and Reservoirs, Wetlands, and BLM Land. We continue to maintain the area and provide a clean and safe environment for our educational and developmental activities. We are thankful for the NYSDEC’s help as well as for the members continued hard work.