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President's Message

Presidents message

To All Members,

Welcome to 2022. It looks like we are off to a good start for the upcoming flying season. We have several events planned for our members and guests for the 2022 flying season. The “Open to all AMA Members” airplane and helicopter fun fly’s, a “Zero Budget” to EWF scale helicopter event, the annual “Club Members Only” “Non-BBQ - BBQ” and of course the Christmas Party. If a member would like to sponsor or organize an event for the pleasure of flying or to promote the hobby, this is more than welcome as well, just let us know.

If you have not had a chance to drop by the field, there has been some noticeable improvements. Field improvements will continue over the next couple of months in getting the area freshened up for the 22-flying season.

As you know, we are very fortunate to have access to the Edgewood Preserve for our hobby. Our group is certainly a fixture at the preserve. The preserve is noticeably better due to our presence, and it does not go unnoticed. With this access comes responsibility from EWF and its members to ensure we maintain the highest standards we hold as a group and as individuals.

A few reminders:

-Please keep your speed to 5 mph when traveling the path to and from the field. Stop and check for bikers or walkers at the crossroad.

-Foot traffic always has the right of way.

-If you bring it in, you must take it out with you.

-We are not allowed to drive beyond our designated parking area.

-Watch for walkers at the south end of the field while flying. On a side note, we have approval to post some “caution” signs along this path.

I for one am looking forward to a great flying season at EWF. With the events planned and the tremendous support we receive from our members, it will be another great year of EWF.

Hope to see you at the field.

Butch Wellmaker

Prez, EWF

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